ACB Tuesday Topics
Live Tuesdays on ACB Radio Mainstream

20240724 Tuesday Topics - post-Convention discussion Part 2

as originally aired on ACB Media 1

July 24, 2024

There were still a few hands on Tuesday and I received a couple of messages indicating that folks had more to say about the convention. So we will do one more program about the ACB meeting. We will focus on what we might want to change. How did folks feel about elections? What other changes would we like to see! We will be in Dallas next year! Are there elements you would like to see included there? Do you know about good tour options? We haven't said much about the way that resolutions and the bylaw amendments were handled. What do we think of getting them completely out of the way virtually before we meet? How about information about what was happening? Were you up to speed with what was happening when? Do you have suggestions about other publicity approaches?

S1E164 - 20240716 Tuesday Topics - post-Convention discussion

As aired on ACB Media 1

July 17, 2024

Talk with us about the convention that has just ended on Tuesday Topics tonight!

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S1E163 - 20240604 - Tuesday Topics - Intervening for older people who are blind.

June 4, 2024

More than half of the people who are blind in this country are over the age of 55. For many seniors with vision loss, the only funding that is available for service delivery comes from a source which has not seen an increase in funding for two decades and is estimated to meet only 3 percent of the resource needs. Services to seniors without vision loss are provided under the Older Americans Act. That law is scheduled to be reauthorized by the end of September of this year. Right now it does not do a lot for people who are blind. How can we change this? What do we want to see in the reauthorized law? It is expected that the population of people who are seniors and legally blind will double by 2040 or so! What will that mean and what can we do about it? Tuesday Topics is excited to welcome folks from ACB'S special interest affiliate the Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss (AAVL) to bring us up to speed on where we are and on what ACB and other organizations of and for the blind are trying to do. It's urgent that you tune in so you can help to make a difference in a variety of ways. The Florida affiliate of ACB just passed a resolution and every state can do what Florida promised they would do!

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S1E162 - 20240528 - Tuesday Topics - low vision.

May 28, 2024

We spend lots of time talking about people who are blind and include everyone who has a vision problem. We don't usually distinguish between people who have no vision and people who have some. This week we want to invite folks with low vision or better than low vision to join us and tell us what it’s like when you can’t completely see but you aren’t completely blind either.

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S1E161 - 20240521 - Tuesday Topics - All Things Advocacy.

May 22, 2024

This week we are going to explore a word we hear a lot but what does it actually mean. That word is advocacy! How does it apply to people who are blind? What are issues we should be advocating for these days? Are there issues we should not be advocating for these days? How should we approach advocacy for an issue? We will identify one in the first hour and spend part of the second hour deciding how best to advocate for that particular issue. Hopefully that will give folks an idea of how to put together a campaign to advocate for a particular thing which you and your affiliate or chapter could consider identifying.

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S1E160 - 20240514 - Tuesday Topics - exploring relationships.

May 15, 2024

This time we are going to spend some time exploring relationships. There is a good deal of controversy as to whether relationships work best if both parties are blind or if one of the two folks involved can see! What do you think! Where do people who have partial vision fit in? Is a relationship between a blind person and a person with partial vision the best of all? It's not good enough for you to tell us which is best! Tell us why! What makes for problems with each of the different kinds of relationship? If you were free and could choose your next partner, would you choose somebody who is blind or partially sighted or fully sight-enabled?

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S1E159 - 20240416 - Tuesday Topics - Do Visual Interpreting Services make us More Dependent.

April 16, 2024

In many respects, we are the most fortunate generation ever. We have access to more information than we can possibly use and we are at the beginning of a revolution that will make the data we can acquire now seem infinitely tiny and paltry. Before you turn away in disgust, this is not another exploration of AI though we are more than a year since we last spent time on it and lots has changed. It is an exploration of the impact of another phenomenon on the lives of people who are blind or have low vision. Be My Eyes, Envision and AIRA are all programs that fill an important niche in our lives. They allow us to get information either from other humans or from artificial intelligence entities or, from a combination of the two. What has their impact been on the world of people who are blind? Have these devices mad people who use them more independent or more dependent? Have they encouraged experimentation or created reliance on people for help that has limited technological exploration? In the case of AIRA, how does their business model appear to be structured? Can they afford to pay their employees over time? Does their model depend on selling AIRA to governments, retailers and others? Is there another model that would work better? What would we lose if Aira were to go away?

Obviously these questions constitute no more than the tip of the iceberg. Join us as we put personal assistance software and people under the microscope of Tuesday Topics!

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S1E158 - 20240409 - Tuesday Topics - Fixing problems on Tuesday Topics.

April 10, 2024

It is common for Tuesday Topics to start something we don't finish and our last program was no exception. We were able to define many issues, provide some hypotheses for why they happen and confirm that some things need to be done. However, we did not get to the place where we could finalize actions that can be taken or decide for, sure if actions should be taken. So our program next week will explore actions that can be contemplated to deal with the fact that many things we have asked for are not being used as much as we might like. Perhaps that's okay! If it's not, what should we do about it? Who is responsible for doing anything? Individuals, local chapters, state affiliates, the national organization, local communities, states, the Federal government? We will look at voting, theaters, movies, transit, braille and other components of full inclusion. Join us! Your opinions are crucial!

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S1E157 - 20240402 - Tuesday Topics - Getting out or not.

April 3, 2024

Last week we asked you to come up with topics we could consider for future programs. I have to say that the participation of our regular listeners was just a mite limited. Let me thank those who were there and who participated in our show. Brian Charlson actually came up with the idea for our next Topic and I think it is an interesting one.

Initially, the topic emerged because Brian was concerned that so many plays where we ask that audio description happen are so poorly attended. Why is that? Does it have to do with COVID? Does it have to do with the income of people who are blind or low vision? Does it have to do with discomfort with paratransit or other ways of getting around?

Are theaters the only place where we have become tortoise-like? Are we content to wait at home till accessible movies hit the television screen? Have we lessened our social outings now? Will our chapters more and more meet via Zoom? Do we use accessible pedestrian signals enough to justify their expense. How about announcements on buses? Where do Uber and Lyft fit into the system?

At the heart of this issue is whether it matters! Should we be concerned that we are asking for more and involving ourselves less? If the answer is yes, what should we do about it? Do our chapters have a responsibility to work on these issues?

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S1E156 - 20240326 - Tuesday Topics - focusing on you! What are your plans for your vacation, What will you be doing in the summer, and what will you be doing for fun.

March 27, 2024

You are crucial for Tuesday Topics tonight! Usually by Wednesday mornings our podcast is available from your usual sources.

So far this year our crew has tackled serious subjects like history, employment, awards and leadership building. We all decided two things after the show this week. First we decided that we would take a break from earthshaking matters of moment and focus instead on you! What are your plans for your vacation? What do you like to do during the Summer? Are you a baseball fan? Do you listen to your team on radio? Do you have some specific memories of that? What else do you like to do these days for fun? What was the last game you played?

If none of these subjects turn you on we have another option for you! For our second hour we think we are going to make it your turn! You get to call in and talk about anything you like within reason! We are not interested in the mating habits of South African cockroaches though maybe you can persuade us it's an important subject. However we really do want to open the mike for you to raise any question you like with us! Your comment or question can be earthshaking or just about you! You are the boss!

We really need you to be ready with topics for Tuesday. Only two out of the five producers of Tuesday Topics can sing. The other three of us are a danger to ourselves and others and should not be given the chance to destroy ear drums. Save us from ourselves by calling into Click the link below to join the webinar:

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