Tuesday Topics
Live Tuesdays on ACB Radio Mainstream

S1E142 - 20231121 - Tuesday Topics - how people who are blind feel about the patronizing attitudes of other people.

November 21, 2023

Our topic will explore how people who are blind feel about the patronizing attitudes of other people. We have all had it happen! Who helps you dress? Isn't your daughter lovely to take care of you! You actually work????? Clearly we don't love these situations but how should we handle them! Are those with us partly responsible? Should we expect them to stand up for us? Should we argue and get the person who is with us upset?

Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co

S1E140 - 20231107 - Tuesday Topics - The Voting Task Force Returns.

November 7, 2023

Tuesday Topics will once more consider questions raised by the Voter Task Force. There will be representatives from Resolutions, the Constitution and Bylaws group and the Voter Task Force. At the beginning of our first meeting with this group on October 24 we read a document that the Task Force is using for a number of community calls. We have looked at some of them but still have lots to look at. We will look at the resolutions process and perhaps talk a bit about changes to the Constitution. We will explore how many people should be allowed to ask for a record vote and I am sure there will be lots of other byways that we will travel down as we explore how the American Council of the Blind will do business over the next several years. We are glad on Tuesday Topics to be a part of exploring where there may be consensus for proposing changes next year and looking at ways that may not involve constitutional change but could involve altering the convention rules.

Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co

S1E139 - 20231031 - Tuesday Topics - Halloween homilies tonight.

October 31, 2023

Tuesday Topics will consider fear on ACB Media One. It isn't often that Tuesday Topics actually occurs on Halloween. As a result we thought it might be fun to explore some questions we think operate around Halloween for people who are blind. Have you had Halloween experiences that were cool? Have you had experiences that were awful? Were there things at Halloween that scared you? Halloween aside, what are you as a person who is blind afraid of? Do you watch horror movies? Do they scare you? Are there things you just won't do because you are a little afraid? I know that I feel that there are things that make me really scared! I will share my fears and hope you will share yours! After you finish trick or treating, treat us to your company as we explore Halloween and elements associated with it!

Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co

S1E138 - 20231024 - Tuesday Topics - Voting Task Force.

October 25, 2023

We will be joined by the voting task force to explore where ACB needs to go from here. For the last few years ACB has had a system where every member in good standing, whether at a convention or not, can cast his or, her or their vote when ACB is trying to make decisions. We have also maintained the ongoing validity of affiliate voting. It is perhaps true that affiliate voting is fairer than it has ever been and is more reflective of the actual desires of members. That, like so much else, is up for debate! Where do we go from here? If we have one man one vote, do we need affiliate voting? How significant is it that people who have never attended an ACB convention have the power to determine the outcome in any election? What are the new rules of the road for candidates? In the old days there was a feeling that those who attended the conventions knew the folks who were running and knew what they had done in the past! How much do folks who do not attend conventions know? Does attendance at convention even matter any more? Do we need to change the rules about who can run? We know some things about last year, the first clearly autonomous hybrid convention. We know that the results of in-person voting and affiliate voting were remarkably similar. We also know from our history that there has been only one vote in our history that I have been able to establish where the results of the affiliate vote was different from the results of the individual vote. These are not the only issues. Join us as our Voter Task Force asks us to think about a series of questions surrounding ACB'S democracy.

Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co

S1E137 - 20231017 - Tuesday Topics - The Audio Description Project.

October 18, 2023

Tuesday Topics invites folks from our Audio Description Project to tell us about what is happening with ADP and our upcoming festivities! We will be live on ACB Media One and there is information below on joining us via Zoom or from Clubhouse.

We will once more have the privilege of welcoming back the co-chairs of our Audio Description Project Carl Richardson and Kim Charlson. In the past they have been able to tell us lots about what is going on with audio description now. They will of course be primarily interested in being sure we know all about the upcoming Audio Description Gala and, as usual, they will have lots to report on how that is coming together. In addition to Kim and Carl, we hope we will be joined by Dr. Tabitha Kenlon who is ACB'S Audio Description Project Coordinator. We have not yet had the privilege of having Dr. Kenlon on Tuesday Topics and hope we can find out more about her and what specific priorities the ADP project is highlighting now. As usual, we expect to have some time for you to raise questions on all things audio description. These three folks will be glad to help answer those.

Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co

S1E136 - 20231010 - Tuesday Topics - White Cane Safety Day and its related laws.

October 11, 2023

We have been threatening for the last couple of programs to spend

a program discussing White Cane Safety Day and its related laws. It now appears that the time for that has come! All over the country agencies and organizations of people who are blind cooperate to create awareness of folks who are blind on White Cane Safety Day. What impact do these activities have? What impact do White Cane Laws have? Can anyone provide evidence of a single driver who has been stopped for violating the law? When accidents happen, do a preponderance of the drivers get fined for inappropriate behavior? Is there any truth to the notion that all accidents involving people who are blind are blamed on the pedestrian? What good does it do to have a maximum charge of a misdemeanor no matter what the outcome of the accident is? These are just some of the questions surrounding a law that is different from state to state. In virtually all cases these laws have been on the books since the 1930s or 1940s without change. What changes would we propose? Are we ready to do away with White Cane Laws? If so, do we replace them with something else? If we read some of the laws they actually suggest that people who are blind do very strange things to identify themselves in the street like holding their canes up in the air! Is that relevant or okay? We need your input on a law that is perhaps being taken for granted or ignored now! The President

no longer issues a White Cane proclamation. It now has to do with employment.

Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co

S1E135 - 20231003 - Tuesday Topics - The ACB Employment Committee.

October 3, 2023

Tuesday Topics has welcomed ACB'S Employment Committee in the past and are happy to welcome some of them again this week. Peter Altschul, Melanie Sonohui and Carrie Muth will be our guests. The committee has been very busy since we last had them on. They have been creating podcasts, collecting and spreading job announcements and, now, they have released a survey that they would like us to know about and obviously they would like us to participate by completing the survey as well. To start our Tuesday Topics next week then, we look forward to seeing some members of the ACB Employment Committee. It could be that they will have enough to fill our whole program. In case they do not, there is one additional topic we plan to at least have on tap.  October is Disability Employment Month. What does that mean? We will ask our Employment Committee guests but we are asking you as well. How should the month be used? What do we want to highlight? We hear about special and positive characteristics of disabled employees! What are they? Are they valuable? Are there other ways we could promote the employment of people with disabilities? What are some of these? We know that discrimination plays a part! What should we do about that?

Clearly there are a huge number of people who are blind or have low vision who are not working! Surely that ought to be a major concern of all of us! If you ran the zoo, how would you change this unacceptable state of affairs!

Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co

S1E134 - 20230926 - Tuesday Topics - Cruising.

September 26, 2023

Remember to join us for Tuesday Topics! have a guest who runs a cruise assistance business and exhibited at ACB this Summer! We are heard From 7 to 9 PM on Tuesday September 26 cruising will be served on Tuesday Topics. You are invited to sit at the captain's table and bring with you stories both droll and drear of your experiences on the rolling sea, preferably aboard a ship! How is cruising for people who are blind? Did you have a special group with a sighted person getting folks from place to place? How was the cooperation of the shipping company with whom you dealt! How was accessibility on the ship? How was it in ports of call? What was your favorite thing about cruising? What did you least like? Would you cruise again? We are encouraging folks who book cruises to join us and tell us what they have to offer!

Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co

S1E133 - 20230919 - Tuesday Topics - people who are blind and go to college.

September 22, 2023

Tuesday Topics will explore people who are blind and college. What was it like for you to decide to go to college. Was it intimidating? Did you live in the dorm? How was that adjustment? Were you treated well and fairly at College? What was the worst thing about college for you? What was the best thing about college? Was college worth it? What would you change about your college experience at college if you could?

There are lots of questions and issues. There are lots of memories attached to the experience of higher education.

Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co

S1E132 - 20230912 - Tuesday Topics - Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon, and Unions.

September 13, 2023

We have a habit on this program of biting off more than we actually chew. This happened with our last program. We ended up spending a lot of time talking

about going back to school and really did not get to Labor Day. Even though it's a little late, we thought it might be of interest to see what people think of Labor Day as a holiday. Is it something that folks value because of unions? Have you been a member of a union? How did that go for you? Did Labor Day become a day you spent watching telethons for folks with disabilities? Probably the most famous one was the one done by Jerry Lewis! Was Labor Day just the day that heralded the beginning of the pro football season. Were there special family activities that went on on Labor Day? Last week we looked at going back to school. Usually just after Labor Day college semesters used to start. If Labor Day doesn't take all of our time it might be interesting to talk about how ready you were for the college experience. Was the service you received from your college good? How was getting books? Was going to college a little scary? How was living in a dorm? Were your professors understanding and helpful? What was the worst thing about college for you? What was the best thing about college for you? Is college easier or harder today than it ", say, twenty years ago? Why so? Obviously we may well find ourselves going in entirely different directions where post-secondary education is concerned and that's just fine! It also may happen that we will be talking about college on the show that follows this one if our Labor Day and Fall discussion prospers.

Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co