S1E129 - 20230822 - Tuesday Topics - explores a final rule and more.
We will spend time exploring some Federal actions. Most of our time will be spent exploring the
adoption of a final rule by the Architecture and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (ATBCB). This Board has been operational for more than half a century and is responsible for overseeing regulations that assure that people with disabilities are fully included in society through the adoption of rules and regulations that determine how buildings will be built and how access through roads and other elements of the built environment will be made usable. This particular final rule goes into effect on September 7th and is known as a final rule. This final rule governs how people who are walking or using wheel chairs get access to sidewalks and roads and roundabouts and street crossings and so on. The rule is commonly called "PROWAG" which stands for Public Right Of Way Accessibility Guidelines. I am certainly not an expert on this subject but we have invited two people who are much more knowledgeable than the Tuesday Topic team to join us. Becky Davidson and Chris Bell will join us to help us understand this new rule. We have also invited a representative of Polara, a company that manufactures accessible traffic signals to bring us up to date on their products. What does it include that specifically involves people who are blind? What problems does it seek to solve? Has it made things perfect for pedestrians? Is there more that we need to do? Who do the regulations cover? How are they enforced? What else do we need to make things better? We will also, if we have time, talk about some other Federal developments that could well be significant for people who are blind and we will spend a little time telling you how regulations work and how you can do your part to make them better!
Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co