Tuesday Topics
Live Tuesdays on ACB Radio Mainstream

20240121 - Tuesday Topics - Do you play the Blind Card.

January 22, 2025

Right at the end of our last show a question was raised that I hope will be sufficient to keep us talking for our whole program. The question that was raised was "Have you ever played the blind card"? It will be interesting to see if my notion of what that question means is the same as Brian's who actually asked it. For me, the "blind card" means that you are making it clear that you are blind so as to acquire an advantage that you might otherwise not have. Allowing yourself to be moved to the front of a line in the airport because your cane was noticed might be an example. Acquiring a permit that allows you to use a disabled parking spot might be another. There are lots of times on calls when we might say "I am blind". This may or may not confer an advantage! Is it fine to play "the blind card"? When is it not appropriate? When is it mandatory that you play it! Missouri and Australia both have blind pensions regardless of income. Is this a good thing or not? I think virtually all counties offer an extra homestead exemption for people who are blind. Is this appropriate? I hope you will think of times when the "blind card" is a good thing and I suspect that some of you will tell us about times the "blind card" should not be played.