ACB Tuesday Topics
Live Tuesdays on ACB Radio Mainstream

S1E113 - 20230328 - Tuesday Topics - David Trott.

March 28, 2023

Remember to join us when David Trott is our guest on Tuesday Topics!During that period, we will invite David Trott to share with us a notion of where ACB

is financially and in terms of membership. During the in-person segment of ACB'S recent meetings in Alexandria Virginia those present were invited to talk about membership and money. That element was moderated (David Trott. We will explore what came out of that meeting. We will look at where ACB is in terms of money and will explore the trends in membership. Have state affiliates grown since the start of the pandemic? What about special interest affiliates? Have members-at-large become more important. What might the future of membership be like? Where does the money come from that makes our organization run? Is there a change in where our funds come from? Do we have more money than we used to have? David is our current treasurer and can give us a sense of where we are and where we might want to go?

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