ACB Tuesday Topics
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S1E53 - Tuesday Topics June 15, 2021 Larry Johnson with Paul Edwards.

June 15, 2021

There have been a few times in my life when I have sat in a bar for a long time because the conversation was just too good to miss! My guest on Tuesday Topics this week was responsible for a conversation that started in a bar, continued through dinner and ended much later outside in the late evening. My guest has three books on BARD, at least. He has won the Ned E. Freeman award and has probably appeared more often in the ACB Braille Forum than any other author. He is a long time proponent of braille; he has become deeply involved in aging issues; and is not interested in theory. He wants to know what can actually be done to make things better for people who are blind. My guest is, of course, Larry Johnson from San Antonio Texas. That is where Larry is now but, as you will see if you tune in, it is by no means the only place he has been!

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