ACB Tuesday Topics
Live Tuesdays on ACB Radio Mainstream

S1E120 - 20230523 - Tuesday Topics - Janet Dickelman and all things convention.

May 23, 2023

Yes, Janet Dickelman, our irreplaceable convention coordinator, will be our guest tomorrow on Tuesday Topics.

Illinois is getting close! Registration is open! Many tours are filling up fast! It may even be a little tricky to get rooms if you are staying before or after the convention. Janet has the knowledge and experience to guide us through all the convention variables. There will be lots of time for questions and we will talk about tips and tricks that can make the convention experience more enjoyable. How will this hybrid thing work anyway? Which programs will be hybrid and which only in person and which only streamed? How do these decisions get made? What's happening during the virtual week before the convention starts? Will the convention end right after the banquet or are there other activities? Where will ACB have its convention next year? How is registration this year? Good or should we be concerned that there aren't enough of us going to convention? I always look forward to having Janet on our show because I always learn something I didn't know about ACB or what's happening at our next get together!

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