ACB Tuesday Topics
Live Tuesdays on ACB Radio Mainstream

S1E20 - Tuesday Topics with Paul Edwards: Seniors - Sandy Troiano, Terry Pacheco, Jeff Thom

Originally aired August 18, 2020

September 14, 2020

we will be discussing our twentieth topic! Time flies when you are having fun! Thank you so much, Rick as in Morin! You are what makes this little plane fly, sir! This week we are going to discuss getting older which all of us do! However, we will focus on those blind people who are old enough to call themselves seniors. Some of us become seniors having been blind most or all of our lives. Others only get to find out what it's like to be blind after they are seniors themselves. All seniors who are blind share the reality that there are very few services for them compared to those available for people who are going to work. They are also a part of a population that is expected to grow exponentially over the next decade. As people live longer, they are more likely to lose all or some of their vision. How can ACB and its affiliates help seniors get better served? How can we recruit more of those seniors new to blindness? I have three guests on Tuesday Topics. Sandra (Sandy) Troiano has only been blind for ten years and she is barely a senior. Jeff Thom is President of the ACB special interest affiliate dedicated to the needs of this population: the Association on Aging and Vision Loss (AAVL). Terry Pacheco has recently started a series of community calls on aging and how we can adjust to it. I am also a senior! I will be seventy-five this year. Many of you who listen and participate can also take pride that you, too, have reached senior status.

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