Tuesday Topics
Live Tuesdays on ACB Radio Mainstream

S1E134 - 20230926 - Tuesday Topics - Cruising.

September 26, 2023

Remember to join us for Tuesday Topics! have a guest who runs a cruise assistance business and exhibited at ACB this Summer! We are heard From 7 to 9 PM on Tuesday September 26 cruising will be served on Tuesday Topics. You are invited to sit at the captain's table and bring with you stories both droll and drear of your experiences on the rolling sea, preferably aboard a ship! How is cruising for people who are blind? Did you have a special group with a sighted person getting folks from place to place? How was the cooperation of the shipping company with whom you dealt! How was accessibility on the ship? How was it in ports of call? What was your favorite thing about cruising? What did you least like? Would you cruise again? We are encouraging folks who book cruises to join us and tell us what they have to offer!

Find out more at https://acb-tuesday-topics.pinecast.co